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We are a patient insights specialist advocating the inclusion and importance of the patient voice in asset planning from early development across the heath technology landscape. 

About Us


We go beyond market research, creating robust and reliable evidence through qualitative research methods to optimise pre-clinical investment and creating meaningful pivotal trial endpoints.

Our relationship with global patient populations supports you in developing new technologies that address real-world unmet needs.​ Fourth Wall Research takes its name from the silver screens of filmmaking where “breaking the fourth wall” refers to removing the invisible barrier between the audience and the storyteller, bringing a more immersive and engaging experience.


Engaging the patient voice allows health technology developers to get closer to the real-world stories behind lived experiences of disease burden from the greatest disease experts available - “the patient”. By getting closer to the real-world treatment outcomes, health related quality of life and societal impacts; health technology developers unlock more than just meaningful new technologies, they begin to build trust and real-world advocates in co-innovation strategies.

Our Solutions

Biotechnology & Investors

Our comprehensive solution leverages patient insights to drive value, whether your company is seeking investment or preparing to sell or license a developed asset.

Image by National Cancer Institute

Discover how we can help you.

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